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因为机构应该评估过去和现在,为未来做计划, 认证对韦德体育app官网来说是一项非常重要的活动. 这种对未来的评估和规划确保了我们的生存能力, quality, 和韦德体育app官网项目的货币.

Annual Report HLC Self-Study

HLC Mark

University Accreditation
Higher Learning Commission
Chicago, IL 60604
电话:(800)621-7440 / (312)263-0456
Fax: (312) 263-7462

Accreditation - 1966 to present
  • 最后一次综合评价,2-4-2019
  • 下次综合评估,2029年2月28日
  • 学位:B、M、S、D(学士、硕士、专科、博士)
College of Arts and Sciences


11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21

Reston, Virginia 20190-5248

(703) 437-0700


National Association of Schools of Music (NASM); last visit (2012). Oakland University has been approved for a one-year postponement of the accreditation review due to Covid; next visit (Fall of 2025).

  • Music, B.A.
  • Instrumental Performance, B.M.
  • 音乐教育与表演,合唱与普通音乐,B.M.
  • 音乐教育与表演,器乐与通识音乐,学士学位.M.
  • 音乐教育,合唱和普通音乐,B.M.
  • 音乐教育,器乐与通识音乐,学士学位.M.
  • Music Technology, B.M.
  • Piano Performance, B.M.
  • Piano Performance, B.M. Specialization in Pedagogy
  • Piano Pedagogy, B.M.
  • Voice Performance, B.M.


  • Master of Music in Conducting
  • 器乐表演音乐硕士
  • Master of Music in Music Education
  • Master of Music in Pedagogy
  • 钢琴演奏音乐硕士
  • Master of Music in Vocal Pedagogy
  • 声乐表演音乐硕士
  • 世界打击乐演奏硕士


  • 音乐教育哲学博士


National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST); last visit (2007). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting
  • 音乐戏剧艺术学士学位
  • 戏剧设计与技术美术学士学位


Oakland University's next site visit by the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD) was deferred due to the OU Varner Hall renovation; next visit (2024).

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance
  • Bachelor of Arts in Dance


美国化学会(ACS)对化学项目的最后一次实地考察是在2016年。. 由于新冠肺炎疫情,实地考察被推迟,但审查仍在进行. 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

Public Administration

The Masters in Public Administration was accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA); last visit (2022). next visit (2029).  理学士课程不是一个认证课程.

Social Work

The Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE); last visit (2023).

  • 社会工作学士,下一次访问(2031年)
  • 社会工作硕士,下一次访问(2024年)


  • Art and Art History
  • Biological Sciences
  • 通讯,新闻和公共关系
  • English
  • Environmental Science
  • History
  • International Studies
  • Liberal Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Modern Languages and Literatures
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science (Pre-Law)
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • 社会学,人类学,刑事司法,社会工作
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Writing and Rhetoric
School of Business Administration
  • Undergraduate Business Programs, accredited by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB); last visit (2018), next visit (October 2023).
  • 经济学课程(经济学学士和商业经济学学士), accredited by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB); last visit (2018), next visit (October 2023).
  • Accounting Programs, accredited by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB); last visit (2018), next visit (October 2023).


以下课程由咨询和相关教育课程认证委员会(CACREP)认证至10月31日, 2026).

  • 临床心理健康辅导(MA)
  • School Counselor (MA)
  • 咨询师教育与监督(教育咨询博士)

学校辅导员硕士课程, 学校辅导员NT项目和学校辅导员认可项目于11月17日获得了密歇根州教育部(MDE)的批准, 2020). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.


11月20日,教育与人类服务学院获得了美国教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)颁发的为期七年的认证, 2020); next visit (Fall of 2027).



  • Early Childhood Education (General and Special Education); approved (December 12, 2018). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); approved (August 1, 2019). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.
  • Emotional Impairment; approved (September 30, 2019). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.
  • Specific Learning Disability; approved (October 24, 2014). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

国际行为分析协会(ABAI)证实韦德体育app官网的课程顺序符合第5版, 参加委员会认证助理行为分析师(BCaBA)考试的学生需要225小时的课程要求(2020年秋季). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

In a collaborative effort, 人类发展与儿童研究和教师发展教育研究已获得MDE批准的教学艺术硕士学位-中等教育与特殊教育实验项目, beginning (Fall of 2021). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

Organizational Leadership

以下三个项目在2007年获得了密歇根州教育部(MDE)的认可项目批准。. 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

  • 校长/教育领导(硕士.Ed)
  • 小学12年级校长/教育专员.S)
  • Central Office Administrator

教师领导教育硕士项目于2019年获得密歇根州教育部(MDE)的指定项目批准。. 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

Reading and Language Arts

以下项目于11月20日获得了密歇根州教育部(MDE)的认可项目批准,并获得了教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)的七年认证, 2020). 下一个批准日期是(2027年秋季). 

  • Language Arts
  • Reading Specialist 
  • Teaching Reading 


Initial Certification

  • Undergraduate Elementary Education
  • Undergraduate Secondary Education
  • 基础韦德体育app官网文学硕士 
  • 中学韦德体育app官网文学硕士 

密歇根教育部(MDE) -教育工作者准备机构(EPI)分数报告


  • 2022 EPI Score Report, Status 84.4 Satisfactory
  • 2021 EPI Score Report, Status 87.6 Satisfactory
  • 2020 EPI Score Report, Status 89.0 Satisfactory
  • 2019年EPI分数报告(密歇根州教育部正在修订无分数评估系统)
  • 2018 EPI Score Report, Status 90.0 Satisfactory
  • 2017 EPI Score Report, Status: 88.0 Satisfactory
  • 2016 EPI Score Report, Status 87.8 Satisfactory

密歇根教育部(MDE) -初始认证背书计划批准

  • Art (K-12), Biology (Secondary), Chemistry (Secondary), Early Childhood (Elementary), Economics (Secondary), English (Secondary), English as a Second Language K-12, History (Secondary), Integrated Science, Language Arts (Elementary), Mathematics, Modern Languages (Secondary, K-12), Music (K-12), Physics (Secondary), Political Science (Secondary), Social Studies




The Bioengineering Program was reviewed for initial accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET in November 2021; accredited in (Summer 2022), next visit (2027).

Computer Science and Engineering

Bachelor of Science in both Computer Science and Information Technology Programs were accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET; last visit (2017), next visit (2023).

The following four programs were reviewed for accreditation renewal by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET in November 2020; accredited in (Summer 2021), next visit (2026). 

  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
School of Health Sciences

Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

  • 临床诊断科学理学学士学位,主修放射技术, accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT); last visit (2016), next visit (2024).

Human Movement Science

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE); last visit (2020), next visit (2031).

Interdisciplinary Health Sciences

  • 营养及营养学教育认可委员会(ACEND)于10月11日至12日完成了对营养及营养学专业营养学理学士的实地考察, 2021). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

Public & Environmental Wellness

  • Master of Public Health Program was accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) through (December 2023); last visit (2016), 下一次实地考察将于2023年9月至12月进行。, (2023年4月- 7月)进行初步自学.
  • 环境健康与安全理学学士学位, accredited by the American Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) and the Applied and Natural Sciences Accreditation Commission (ANSAC); last visit (July 2023). 下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.
  • 安全管理理学硕士, accredited by the American Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) and the Applied and Natural Sciences Accreditation Commission (ANSAC); last visit, next visit (July 2023).
  • Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) and the applied and Natural sciences Accreditation Commission (ANSAC); last visit (2023).  下一次覆检/访视的结果尚未公布.

Oakland University's Wellness, Health Promotion and Injury Prevention Programs are no longer accredited by the National Wellness Institute (NWI); last visit (2009), no future visits. 职业安全与健康本科专业于2016年停产。.

School of Nursing

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE); last visit (2022), next visit (2032). 

  • BSN and MSN programs: CCNE accredited (2022-2032) 
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP): CCNE accredited (2022-2032)
  • The Post Master's Certificate 成人/老年急症护理执业护士, 成人/老年初级护理执业护士和家庭护理执业护士课程:CCNE认证(2022-2032).

护理学学士学位课程, master's degree program in Nursing, 韦德体育app官网的护理实践博士课程和研究生APRN证书课程由大学护理教育委员会(http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).

韦德体育app官网博蒙特护士麻醉研究生课程由护士麻醉教育课程认证委员会(COA)认证。. COA对该项目的下一次审查定于2032年3月进行。. For more information visit http://coacrna.org 或直接致电847-655-1160或222 S与COA联系. 展望大道,公园岭,伊利诺伊州,60068-4001.

密歇根州护理委员会-预执照(学士学位)计划也需要得到州护理委员会的批准. 韦德体育app官网于(2022)获批, 这在2032年春天我们下次CCNE访问之前都是很好的。.

William Beaumont School of Medicine

The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 由医学教育联络委员会(LCME)认可.

Office of the Provost

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-2190