







12月. 2, 2022


The School of Medicine requires every student pursuing the 学位 of Doctor of Medicine to be responsible for meeting the school's expectations regarding attendance in all aspects of the curriculum. 当学校授予硕士学位时.D. 学位, the faculty is attesting not only that the student has achieved a level of competency as measured by performance on tests, but the student has shown a commitment to professional responsibility and has also participated in the entire educational experience that is defined by the curriculum. 出席 and participation are necessary components of our interactive curriculum and therefore are considered professional responsibilities. 学生有义务完成所有指定的课程作业,并按时上课. 旷课,不管是有理由的还是没有理由的,都不能免除学生的责任. 学生 are expected to contribute to the collaborative learning process by being an integral part of the team-approach, 分享专业知识和解决问题的方法. 出席和参与所有的教育活动, 并且是所有评估活动所必需的, 实验室会议, 与病人会面, 小组和团队为基础的学习会议, 以及课程主任和实习主任指定的其他课程.




Student participation is an essential component of the academic process in all types of instructional sessions and is therefore considered in assessment and grading of student performance. 每门课程, 书记员和选修课程将记录如何使用出勤率和如何计算最终成绩. 就像所有的专业问题一样, 出勤问题和/或过度迟到可能反映在医学院绩效评估(MSPE)中。. 董事对出勤和缺勤有最终决定权. 在发生危机或需要立即处理的机密事项时, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in coordination with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育 may authorize an absence without disclosing the confidential matter to the 导演.



请参阅医学院的标准做法和指南 宗教仪式.



  • 学生必须参加所有规定的活动.
  • The course coordinator is the point of contact for reporting unanticipated absences and requesting anticipated absences.
  • 课程主任有责任为缺课辩解.
  • 意外缺勤必须尽快通过电子邮件报告, 给相应的课程领导,包括可以联系学生的电话号码或电子邮件. Verification of receipt of the student’s message and the granting or denial of the student’s request for an excused absence will be communicated by the course leadership to the student as soon as possible. 学生可能被要求提供意外缺课原因的书面证明(医生证明), 拖曳收据, 等.).
  • 学生有责任安排完成任何遗漏的学术作业.
  • 任何没有理由的缺席将被归类为无理由缺席.
  • 学生在无理由缺席期间错过的活动将不会获得学分.


  • 借口缺勤被视为缺勤.


  • 在M3-M4实习期间,学生必须参加所有预定的活动, 课程, sub-internships, 和选修课. 任何计划缺课必须得到书记员/课程主任的批准. 
  • M3-M4办事员期间无故缺勤, 课程, sub-internships, 和选修课, will be reflected unfavorably on the student’s written record and clinical performance evaluation and may adversely affect the student’s 书记的职位 grade. 预期和非预期缺勤都必须正式记录,以避免无故缺勤. The Clerkship / Course 导演 will determine the process and timeline if any missed activities will need to be made up. Failure to meet the timeline to make up missed assignments may result in a professionalism feedback form (PFF) being filed and may be reflected in the MSPE. 学生应尽快补课,最迟不迟于学年结束.
  • 直到错过的时间被弥补, 学生的实习/课程成绩将被记录为不完整.
  • Requests for all anticipated absences in the M3-M4 year may not exceed 3 days during the 书记的职位 / course and must be submitted by email to the appropriate Coordinator and 导演 at least thirty (30) days before the 书记的职位/course start date. 学生在实习/课程期间旷课超过3天者, 他们将被期望弥补错过的日子. Verification of receipt of the student’s message and the granting or denial of the student’s request by the 导演 or designee for an excused absence will be communicated within one week of the student’s request.
  • Permission to take more than 3 days must be obtained in advance from the Elective 导演 and approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育. 如果学生在选修课上请假超过三天, 他们将被期望弥补错过的日子.
  • If a student is absent from clinical training during an M3-M4 书记的职位/course at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital for more than two (2) days due to an illness, the School of Medicine requires that the student inform Graham Health and the Office of Student Affairs to officially document and track the student’s status before being permitted to return to their 书记的职位/course.
  • A release to the 导演 and a copy to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育 is required before being permitted to return to clinical training.
  • 学生 are permitted to take three days during a 4-week elective for the purpose of attending residency interviews or taking the STEP 2 CS or STEP 2CK examination. Proof of interviews via confirmation email from the residency program and the STEP exam via email from NBME must be submitted to the Elective 导演 and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育. 
  • 不鼓励学生在所有为期两周的M3-M4选修课/见习期间请假. 如果学生需要休假, they must obtain prior written permission from the Elective/Clerkship 导演 and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育 in advance of making plans.
  • 在为期一周的M3眼科见习期间,不鼓励学生请假. 学生 are however allowed up to ½ day absence from clinic during this 书记的职位 without having to make up missed time. 学生需要补课, 缺少OR赋值, 说教的会话, or quiz as determined by the Clerkship/Elective 导演 and approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical 教育.
  • 如果学生错过了超过25%的M3-M4实习/课程, 该学生将被要求重修全部课程.
  • 错过的任务:在M3-M4年的训练期间, 学生必须补交在实习或课程期间所遗漏的作业/活动, 在所有作业完成并提交之前,将被指定为不完整等级.


  • 任何无故缺勤都将导致考试不及格.
  • 预计会缺席考试, 学生必须在考试前至少三周向课程领导提出申请.


预期的缺席: 提前计划好的缺席.


出席人数: 学生必须准时到达, 待多久就待多久,以完成活动, 并且全身心地投入到活动中, 被认为出席.



危机: An event in the life of the student or a close family member that requires immediate attention and disrupts a student’s participation in the curriculum.

导演监督课程内容的教员, 书记的职位, 或者选修课, 并为学生提供形成性和总结性反馈, 评估, 和成绩.

缓考: Excused absences are absences that have received approval from the course leadership or that are due to an illness/injury or a crisis. 请假可由课程领导决定.

发布: A written release from the student’s primary care provider stating that the student was absent due to an illness/injury and is fit to resume studies. 初级保健提供者不能是学生的亲属,并且必须亲自检查学生.

Absences or tardiness from a scheduled academic activity due to an unanticipated event such as a personal illness or crisis.

无故缺席: 任何未经课程领导正式原谅的缺勤.


缺勤申请表(M3 & M4学生)

