

OUWB Wilderness Medical Society participates in MedWAR


Quinn Simpson, Alina Avetisyan and Nitin Venkatesh, all M2s, participated in the MedWAR. (提交的图)


OUWB medical students take time out for a photo at MedWAR last fall. (提交的图)



铅笔的图标Chloe Kukuk著


第二年, members of one OUWB student organization have gone to “war” armed with skills learned during their medical education, 有一天,这可能会挽救生命.

The student organization is the OUWB Wilderness Medical Society (OWMS), which was started in 2019. Previously, OUWB had a similar group founded in 2014 called WildMed.

The “war” is the Medical Wilderness Adventure Races (MedWAR), a unique event that combines wilderness medical challenges with the growing sport of adventure racing. It was started in 2000 by physicians and medical students at Medical College of Georgia.

中西部MedWAR于10月11日举行. 15人在平克尼娱乐区. 八个小时, teams were given simulations of medical encounters that they may experience in a wilderness setting to test the participants’ skills in medicine.

M2 Zane Alroshood, president, OWMS, described it as a “triathlon.”

“You progress in a race, and at each checkpoint, there’s a medical challenge,阿尔罗舒德说. “It involves using your knowledge, your skills, and your wilderness techniques. 我们在课堂上学到了什么, 甚至在我们的第一年, 帮助我们解决了许多出现的挑战. It helps connect what we learned in class to a real-life wilderness setting.”

Last year marked OWMS’s second year participating in the event. (WildMed participated in the 2014 MedWAR held in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.)

The goal, said Alroshood, is that OUWB continues to attend and have more students participate.

“We hope that it’s a tradition that carries on in OUWB history for the rest of the organization,他说. “We try to get everybody in our class involved…I think as the years go on, 越来越多的人会对它感兴趣.”

M2 Alina Avetisyan, vice president, OWMS, participated in MedWAR for the first time.

“一开始我有点紧张, but I feel like I learned so much just going through the whole process,”他说. “Before going, you had to bring everything with you that you thought you would need. So that was interesting, to think about, ‘What will I need? 我们可能会遇到哪些潜在的情况?’”

“我认为这是一项值得学习的好技能. I feel like in the future…I feel more prepared for that,”她说。. “我觉得这真的很有趣.”


“Just being lost in the woods with your team and coming up with a solution, 和你的队友有一种同志情谊, and then finishing a challenge with the things you’ve learned in class…that felt really satisfying,阿尔罗舒德说. “When you learn something and…the opportunity arises and you implement it, that feels really good.”

“We’re lucky that we live in Michigan to have so much outdoor recreation,阿尔罗舒德说. “It gives you the opportunity to build connections with your classmates and people outdoors, and an early chance to use the skills and techniques you learned in class and implement them in a safe, 低压设置.”

大卫·豪厄尔, M2, said MedWAR and OWMS provide ways for him to develop skills for a potential future in overseas medicine.

“You don’t have the resources that you would expect out in the middle of nowhere, 所以你要么打包走人, 或即兴创作,他说.



《韦德体育app官网》最大的好处之一, OWMS成员说, is its ability to strengthen skills necessary for various fields.

“It’s a cool way to bring people together who have similar interests and work together,”他说. “I think for people who are interested in certain fields like emergency medicine, 这很有帮助.”

然而, Avetisyan说, the skills learned through MedWAR and outdoor recreation aren’t only applicable to emergency medicine — they’re relevant to all specialties.

“The skills we learn here can be applied to any field that we go into, and it’s good to always be prepared for emergency situations and have the skills to be able to tackle those, whether you’re outdoors or seeing patients who are presenting those types of injuries at the clinic or hospital,”她说。.

Alroshood echoed that thought and added that it relies on a person’s ability to think on the spot.

“A big part for me is improvising and being able to use these skills in an everyday scenario. Whatever specialty you go into, there’s always going to be emergencies,他说. “Being able to practice these skills early on is going to set you up for success.”

The spontaneity of the event, Howell said, allows him to understand how to adapt.

“你会明白,无论你计划多少, 事情不会如你所愿,豪厄尔说. “It’s been super helpful, just applying to life in general.”
