

OUWB medical student’s Embark project is designed to save lives

An image of Goldstein's pillow being held up for demonstration

Ekaterina克拉克, M2, explains how the CPR pillow works during the 3rd Annual Careers in Healthcare held in May. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)

An image of two younger students training with the CPR pillowcase

学生s practice CPR using the pillowcase at the 3rd Annual Careers in Healthcare event in May.




日历图标10月. 7, 2022



Ah, our trusty pillow -- that support we prop up behind us to read; the comfy fluff-and-stuff that lulls us to sleep each night; a familiar companion for our travels. 本杰明•戈尔茨坦, M4, 现在为我们的枕头开发了一个新功能吗, 这简直就是救命啊.

Goldstein has taken the practicality and accessibility of a standard-size pillow, and by slipping a custom-designed instructional pillowcase on it, 他创造了一个学习和练习心肺复苏的理想工具.

Goldstein came up with the ingenious idea for his community-focused research project for OUWB’s 开始计划, a four-year curriculum that focuses on research endeavors and scholarly presentation. His efforts were supported by program mentors Associate Professor Virginia Uhley, Ph.D., Department of Foundational Medical Studies/Department of Family Medicine and 社区 Health; and Assistant Professor Alan Silverman, D.O.内科心脏病专家.

在OUWB医学插画师Audrey Bell的帮助下, 戈尔茨坦设计了两种枕套:一种用于婴儿心肺复苏术, 另一个用于成人/儿童心肺复苏术. 这两种设计都对之前要做的事情进行了编号, 在进行按压式心肺复苏术期间和之后. The design (printed on the pillowcases by Zazzle) outlines the torso and a hand/finger graphic, 指导正确的按压位置.

The seeds for this idea – as well as for Goldstein’s medical path – were planted years ago , 在他的巴尔的摩家中.

“我爸爸是一名急救医生和P.A., so I was involved in his community CPR classes at a young age,戈尔茨坦说。, also an EMT.

“我是我们家族的第三代医生, 我妈妈是一名教师, 所以我的家庭一直专注于社区关怀.”

在巴尔的摩教了这么多年心肺复苏术, 戈尔茨坦夫妇遇到了障碍, 特别是在服务不足的社区.

“问题是心肺复苏术模型很贵, 所以有时人们买不起,他解释道. “也缺乏可用性. There’s a limited amount of class time to use the manikins before they’re taken away [by suppliers].”

The Goldsteins started incorporating pillows, as a training adjunct. A key question was whether using a pillow was as good of an alternative as manikin training. 无论是在巴尔的摩还是通过OUWB的Embark项目, 戈尔茨坦一直认为这是事实.



“It’s vital to ensure using a pillow is an effective training method,戈尔茨坦说。. “It’s equally important that trainees feel confident with this method, 特别是在服务不足的社区, 因为我们这样做是为了增加可访问性. 为了解决这些问题,我们进行了两项研究.”

In the first (“manikin v pillow”) study: one group of trainees viewed a CPR instructional video and then practiced chest compressions on a manikin; the other group viewed the video and practiced on a pillow (a certified CPR instructor was available to answer questions for both groups). Then the depth and rate of chest compressions in the manikin group was compared to the pillow group.

In the second (“confidence measuring”) study: surveys were given to trainees (before and after CPR training), to evaluate attitudes/confidence levels with learning/practicing pillow CPR. One of these sessions was held in Pontiac, and Ekaterina克拉克, M2, assisted in the training.


“Training on a pillow was equal to training on a manikin [in regard to compression depth and rate],戈尔茨坦说。. “Our surveys also showed training on a pillow resulted in significant gains in knowledge and improved attitudes and willingness to perform CPR.”

The next step has been spreading the knowledge through community CPR events.

“[Southeast Michigan’s] La Casa Amiga Mentor Program is currently doing this and giving out the pillowcases, 实现持续实践,戈尔茨坦说。. “这种以病人为中心的护理是有力量的.”

Goldstein presented his findings and design to the American Heart Association. He’d love to see the pillowcases made available at medical facilities and physician offices (especially cardiology), 作为病人及其家属的教学工具.

To date, Goldstein’s volunteered more than 6,000 hours for numerous community-based organizations.

His first volunteer job (age eight) was with Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund, 他是马里兰食品银行的合作伙伴. He recently received a citation from the Maryland General Assembly, for more than 20 years of addressing food insecurity/fighting hunger exacerbated by COVID-19. He also helps manage the largest public access automated external defibrillator program in Baltimore.

With an impending decision on his primary care residency (leaning toward specializing in cardiology), Goldstein is on his way to making a difference in his corner of the world. 他对自己的枕套设计也有一个意义深远的终极目标.

"My dream is for them to be used for CPR training in sports arenas, as scheduled events," he says. “所以不是免费的t恤,而是枕套."

Citing Ford Field as a 65,000-plus seating venue, Goldstein aims high.

“Arenas would be a great way to spread knowledge worldwide,” he says. "It’s sad to think of all the lives lost due to lack of CPR training, 但我们可以努力拯救数不清的人."
