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Secure 病人门户 Log In

Please 上传 your COVID-19 record to the 门户网站. This is confidential information.



完成COVID-19疫苗系列(2剂辉瑞或Moderna, 1剂强生)后 & Johnson),您将需要有一个图像/文件上传到门户. 如果您是已经接种了世界卫生组织(who)批准的COVID-19疫苗之一的国际学生,您将遵循相同的步骤.

如果您使用的是台式电脑,则需要保存照片/图像或扫描文档. If you are doing this on your phone, 您将有机会为您的疫苗卡拍照或上传保存的图像. Saving as a PDF helps reduce the size of your file.


  • 参观 secure patient 门户网站 log in
  • 使用您的韦德体育app官网网ID和密码登录到门户网站.
  • Enter your 日期 of birth, then click on Proceed.
  • From the main menu that appears, select I would like to… Enter My COVID-19 Vaccine Information
  • 将打开一个新窗口. There are 2 sections in this window:
    • 首先:点击绿色 上传 box to 上传 an image of your supporting documentation. 如果您使用智能手机,您可以在门户网站上拍照. 如果您使用的是台式计算机,您将从我们的计算机中选择已保存的文件.
    • Once your image is 上传ed... 点击绿色 看起来不错 button.
    • 下一步:点击绿色 添加免疫 button.
    • 进入 日期 you received the vaccine, and then select the correct 免疫接种 name, then click the brown 保存 button.
  • You are REQUIRED to 上传 an image of your vaccine card/record. If there is no image/supporting documentation, the information will not be saved/entered into your record. 
  • Once all required information is entered, click the brown 完成 button.
  • Your COVID-19 免疫接种 record has been submitted!

Hint: If you receive a message that your file is too large, please try saving as a PDF document and try again.

** This is the current process as of September 22, 2023 **

COVID-19监测检测适用于没有症状的人. 这是为那些出于其他原因(例如:工作或住房需求)需要或想要进行测试的人准备的。.

本指南将引导您完成在格雷厄姆健康中心安排COVID-19测试的过程. 它还将提供如何查看即将到来的约会和取消约会的指导.

To schedule an appointment 

  1. 参观 secure patient 门户网站 log in
  2. Sign in to the 门户网站 using your Net ID and password.
  3. Enter your 日期 of birth, then click on Proceed.
  4. 在出现的菜单中,选择“我想要……安排约会”.
  5. 在下一个屏幕上,再次单击Schedule an Appointment
  6. 从可用选项中选择COVID监控测试,然后单击“继续”.
  7. 会出现一个问题,询问您目前是否有COVID-19的任何症状. If you are currently experiencing any of the listed symptoms, you should not schedule an appointment through the 门户网站. 相反,请致电格雷厄姆健康中心(248)370-2341安排医生就诊.
  8. 如果您目前没有任何COVID-19症状,请选择“否”,然后单击“继续”.
  9. 通过点击“设置搜索开始日期”旁边的日历图标,选择您希望进行测试的日期, then clicking on your preferred 日期. 请确保选择从大学宿舍收到的电子邮件中提供的日期之一. 一旦你点击你喜欢的日期,点击搜索约会.
  10. Available appointment times will appear. Select your preferred appointment time, then click Continue.
  11. 查看您的预约日期和时间,然后单击Schedule来安排您的预约.
  12. 您将进入确认页面,确认您已成功安排了您的约会. Click Print to print your confirmation.
  13. Click Continue to complete or confirm your Health History. 您的健康史需要在您访问之前在患者门户网站中完成.

To view your appointment information at later 日期 

  1. 参观 secure patient 门户网站 log in
  2. Sign in to the 门户网站 using your Net ID and password.
  3. Enter your 日期 of birth, then click on Proceed.
  4. Click on Appointments in the left-hand navigation menu.
  5. Your currently scheduled appointments will appear. 

To cancel a scheduled appointment 

  1. 参观 secure patient 门户网站 log in
  2. Sign in to the 门户网站 using your Net ID and password.
  3. Enter your 日期 of birth, then click on Proceed.
  4. Click on Appointments in the left-hand navigation menu.
  5. Your currently scheduled appointments will appear.
  6. 单击要取消的约会下面的“取消约会”链接.
  7. 从下拉菜单中选择取消约会的原因,然后单击OK. 

任何有关您个人健康的问题都应该通过门户网站提交,而不是通过电子邮件提交.  按照上面的说明向Graham健康中心的工作人员提交安全信息.

本指南将引导您完成使用患者门户向葛培理健康中心发送安全消息的过程. 请使用门户网站解决所有与健康相关的问题或关注.

  1. 参观 secure patient 门户网站 log in
  2. Sign in using your 韦德体育app官网 Net ID and password.
  3. Enter your 日期 of birth, then click on Proceed.
  4. 从出现的菜单中,选择I would like to €…send a secure message.
  5. On the next screen, click on New message.
  6. 在可选选项中,选择“我想给护士发消息”. 然后单击Continue.
  7. A template for sending a message will appear. In the subject line, enter the topic of your message/question. 在文本框中,提供您的消息或问题的详细信息. 如果需要在邮件中包含附件,请单击“添加附件”框. 这将允许您从设备中选择要附加到邮件的文件.

    请注意:疫苗记录可能 提交到这里. Please return to the homepage of the patient 门户网站 and click on the “Enter my COVID-19 Vaccine Information” button to submit your vaccination record.门户网站. COVID-19 vaccine records must be submitted using the “Enter my COVID-19 Vaccine Information一个€按钮. All other vaccine records should be submitted using the Immunization Record 上传 section on the bottom left of the 门户网站.
  8. Select the image/file you want to attach. Once selected, click Open/Attach.
  9. 请在下面的空白处撰写您的信息:在信息中清楚地说明您的问题和/或需求.
  10. 点击发送. Your message has been submitted.
  11. 一旦GHC工作人员审阅,您将看到您的信息已被阅读. If necessary, you will receive a reply. 

Hint: If you receive a message that your file is too large, please try saving as a PDF document and try again.

** This is the current process as of July 26, 2021 ** 

每年流感疫苗必须通过门户网站提交临床合规. Please follow the instructions here.



After you complete your influenza 免疫接种, you will need to have an image/file to 上传 to the 门户网站.如果您使用的是台式电脑,则需要保存照片/图像或扫描文档. If you are doing this on your phone, 您将有机会为您的疫苗文件拍照或上传已保存的图像. Saving as a PDF helps reduce the size of your file.


  • 参观 secure patient 门户网站 log in 
  • 使用您的韦德体育app官网网ID和密码登录到门户网站. 
  • Enter your 日期 of birth, then click on Proceed. 
  • 从左边出现的菜单中(或者展开左上角的3条来展开), select 医疗许可 & 其他形式 
  • 选择绿色 UPDATE button next to Infuenza
    • 将出现一个新窗口.
    • 进入 Date the influenza vaccine was administered.
    • In the Immunization field, 选择一个…最常见的条目是:[Flu - -unspec (Flu -unspec配方)].
    • 点击金色 保存 Button.
    • 媒体做. 
  • 选择绿色 UPDATE button next to 支持文档Vacs/实验室. (必需的步骤)
    • 将出现一个新窗口.
    • 选择绿色 上传 button and 上传 an image of your flu vaccine documentation. This might be a screenshot, photo, or scanned document.
    • Verify 上传 and 点击绿色 看起来不错 button
    • 点击金色 保存 Button.
    • 你需要上传流感疫苗的证明文件. 如果不提交证明文件,您将无法遵守规定.
  • GHC staff will verify your submission. If there are any issues, a 门户网站 message will be sent to you. 一旦验证,流感合规性的状态将更改为合规. 

Hint: If you receive a message that your file is too large, please try saving as a PDF document and try again.

** This process has been up日期d as of September 22, 2023 **


(248) 370-2341


(If your question is time sensitive, please call the office.)

上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
午餐时间12:30.m. - 1:30 p.m.